At the heart of Catholic Teaching is the call to follow the command of Jesus and “love the Lord your God with heart,and with all your soul and with all your mind….and you shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 22: 37-41).

This love is made manifest in service of others, making a gift of ourselves for the good of the other. This service has an even added richness when it is given to those who can not repay. Each person is created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26) and has innate dignity.
(Horizons of Hope) “The Catholic school community is grounded in the belief that each person is made in the image and likeness of God. The dignity of the person is the starting point for a vision for a just society – the Kingdom of God. From this vision, the Catholic school responds to a call to service, not just as a duty or obligation, but in a spirit of joyful loving that responds to the presence of God in each person encountered”.
The Dignity of the Human Person
God has imprinted his own image and likeness on human beings (cf. Gen 1:26), conferring on them an incomparable dignity … In effect beyond the rights which one acquires by one’s own work, there exist rights which do not correspond to any work performed, but which flow from one’s essential dignity as a person.
John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, 1991,
With this in mind ̳ offers opportunities for students to put their faith into action, love their neighbour and be Missionaries of God’s love in the world. Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of Outreach opportunities.
- Building Bridges: The Building Bridges in Schools Program assists secondary students of different faiths and values. The focus is on fostering trust, mutual understanding, and respect. Students learn key skills of dialogue and share personal experiences of their lives that have shaped them. These qualities serve as foundations to negotiate and engage with each other’s differences and commonalities and are important for leaders of our country into the future.
- Balloon Football:Scope’s Balloon Football League is a version of AFL that has been modified to suit the needs of people with severe disability. Our VCAL students have close ties with SCOPE’s Southern Balloon Football League, helping the players participate, umpiring and scorekeeping, making a banner for the Grand Final, and organising the Presentation Evening for the players after the season.
- Breakfast Club: Each morning student leaders and staff run a free breakfast club for students to make sure all students are getting the most important meal of the day.
- Vinnies: The Vinnies Group is made up of a group of students who strive to put their faith into action through acts of service, in line with the good works of St Vincent De Paul. The members are commissioned at the Opening of the School Year Mass and students from all year levels, are welcome to join. A President is appointed each year. Throughout the year, students have an opportunity to participate in several fundraising activities, raising awareness as well as much-needed funds to assist the poor and marginalised in our local and international community. They meet once a fortnight to plan their events, participate in Cluster mornings with our Primary schools and generally inspire the whole school community to get on board. Some of their works include the Mass for Social Justice Drive, the Winter Sleepout, a Christmas appeal and a winter appeal.
- House Charities: Each of the Houses has been allocated a Catholic charity and fundraising throughout the year goes towards these charities.
- Project Compassion: Each year during the season of Lent each homeroom supports Project Compassion as an act of Almsgiving during the season of Lent.
- VCE Vocational Major (VCE MV) Program: As a part of their Personal Development strand the VCE VM students engage in a range of activities of service both within and outside the College. Some of these include working with SCOPE in the Balloon Football competition, programs at our feeder primary schools and different gardening and building projects around the College.
- Youth Ministry Reflection Days: Senior RE Youth Ministry Classes provide Reflection Days for our feeder parishes as part of their sacramental preparation program.
- Local Activities: The school also has a desire to respond to different issues of justice within our community and live out our call to service within our own community. At times there may be fundraising activities to respond to needs within our community.
- St Anthony’s Tutoring: Each week students of ̳ participate in a tutoring program to assist with student homework at St Anthony’s Primary School. This is a valuable experience for students from both schools.
Explore Faith & Wellbeing
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